George Wallace

George Wallace是什么意思、George Wallace怎么读

读音:英[dʒɔːdʒ ˈwɒlɪs][dʒɔrdʒ ˈwɔləs]

George Wallace 基本解释

[网络] 风云传奇;乔治·华莱士;华勒斯

George Wallace 用法和例句

1、George wallace was president?

乔治 华莱士担任过总统?

2、One of those votes was Governor George Wallace.


3、George Wallace spoke of creating a better life for both blacks and whites.



george n. 男子名

wallace n. 华莱士(m.)

最新更新单词: downloads threshold Shandong 灌肠英文 bring out adaptation occupation frequency counterpart cheerful
更新时间:2024-05-12 07:13:31