beg for mercy

beg for mercy是什么意思、beg for mercy怎么读

读音:英[beɡ fɔː(r) ˈmɜːsi][beɡ fɔːr ˈmɜːrsi]

beg for mercy 基本解释

[网络] 乞求饶恕;乞怜;讨饶

beg for mercy 用法和例句

1、He wants to see them beg for mercy.


2、She got down on her knees to beg for mercy.

她双膝跪下, 祈求原谅。

3、Good sir, I beg for mercy and beg your pardon.


4、Good sir, I beg for mercy. Please forgive me for all I've said and done.


5、Ndiaye also put into a tube to wasp to sting god was kneeling down to beg for mercy.



mercy n. 仁慈, 宽恕, 慈悲, 怜悯, 幸运 [法] 权宜处置权, 决定权, 宽恕