block letter

block letter是什么意思、block letter怎么读

读音:英[blɒk ˈletə(r)][blɑːk ˈletər]

block letter 基本解释

木版字, 印刷体字母

block letter 用法和例句

1、Please write your telegram in block letter.


2、Please attach your business card or fill in below in BLOCK LETTER.


3、To avoid any typing mistake when preparing the badge, please TYPE or write in BLOCK LETTER.

为避免错漏, 请清楚打印或以正楷填写。

4、Textual with eduction of body of the Song Dynasty, unscramble with block letter and boldface eduction.



block n. 块;街区;<英>大楼,大厦;障碍物,阻碍 vt. 阻止;阻塞;限制

letter n. 信;证书,许可证;字母,文字;字面意义 vt. 用字母标明;写字母于;加标题 vi. 写印刷体字母