
“ 四季 ”的英文翻译

the four seasons

四季的英文:the four seasons。the four seasons的读音:英[];美[]。中文意思:一年四季四季;四时。

all the year round, at all seasons, the four seasons of spring,summer,autumn and winter, 这些都有“四季”的意思。具体用哪个看语境。


四季豆 kidney bean

四季分明 four distinctive seasons

四季如春 It's like spring all the year round.;

四季酒店 Four Seasons Hotel

四季青 leaf of purpleflower holly; chinese holly

四季常青 evergreen; remain green throughout the year

四季节 Ember Days

四季开花的 perpetual; everblooming

四季海棠 begonia semperflorenshybr

四季宜人 was delightful in all seasons.



The Four Seasons of My Hometown.


Spring From The Four Seasons Allegro.


The four seasons all appropriate, tepid take feed.

4、在所有四季当中, 夏天最热。

Of all the four seasons, summer is the hottest.

5、四季交替, 又到了严寒的冬季。

The four seasons is alternant, arrived again cold winter.


Hostel outward a year the four seasons all welcome your arrival!


Our clothes shop offers many styles of clothes for all the four seasons.

8、大殿中有四个屏风, 代表一年四季

In the hall, there are four screens symbolizing the four seasons of a year.


Because it's briefness, autumn in the four seasons of life just had its special rhyme.

10、嘴唇四季都很干, 用哪款润唇产品好?

Labial the four seasons is very dry, product of lip of embellish of the money that where to use is good


Start of Spring, Start of Summer, Start of Autumn and Start of Winter show the starts of the four seasons.


A Brief Analysis on the Function of Symbolism and Foil of the Four Seasons'Description in Lawrence's Works


The corridor is interspersed with a quartet of doubleeave octagonal pavilions symbolizing each of the four seasons.

14、它展示着四季更替, 提醒农人播种以及其他农务的时间。

It shows when the four seasons come and end, when to sow seeds and irrigate and other matters related to farming.


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