shipping mark

shipping mark是什么意思、shipping mark怎么读

读音:英[ˈʃɪpɪŋ mɑːk][ˈʃɪpɪŋ mɑːrk]

shipping mark 基本解释

[化] 唛头; 发货标记
[经] 装运标志, 货物标志

shipping mark 用法和例句

1、We now hasten to advise you of the shipping mark.


2、As your confirmation, please find the attached Bullo shipping mark for your ref.


3、Kindly stencil our shipping mark in letter inch high and give gross and net weight.

请用4英寸大小得字母标示唛头, 并注明毛重与净重。


shipping n. 装运, 航行, 船舶, 船舶吨数 [经] 装运, 运送, 海运

mark n. 斑点;记号;成绩;标准 vt. 作记号;表示;给…打分;在…留下痕迹 vi. 评分;注意;(比赛中)记分

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更新时间:2024-05-12 11:43:06